Our members have many trackrecords in the following industries and clients on various purposes.


Steel,non-ferrous metal,auto,mining,petrochemical,electric power(thermal ,hydroelectric,photo-voltaics,wind),nuclear fuel,food process,
lithium-ion battery,printed circuit board,semiconductor,liquid crystal display,electronic component,consumer electronics, metalworking,
casting,pulp and paper etc.










M&A TRANSACTION/ Fair value when setting up joint venture company using in-kind contribution schem,fair value or liquidation value when net
asset approach is applied in business valuation

ACCOUNTING/Fair value or net recoverable value measurement on impairment accounting of Japanese,US GAAP and IFRS,fair value measurement
for "purchase price allocation" in business combination accounting, fair value measurement for first-time adoption of IFRS      

TAXATION/ Fair value estimation required to support that transfer trasaction is not at extraordinary low price, arm's length price for transfer pricing
taxation in transferring of production overseas

LEASING/ Estimation of future residual value and remaining economic useful,reasonable opinion about property's versatility and market liquidity
required on operating lease transaction

BANKRUPTCY/ Fair value of Japanese corporate rehabiritation law on both of trustee side and creditor side

ASSET BASED LENDING/ Liquidation value or forced liquidation value for both of lender and borrower

OTHERS/ Survey and analysis regarding engineering of plat



Listed manufacturer, private manufacturer, leasing company,general trading company, bank, private equity fund,financial advisory firm,law firm, etc.

(NOTE)We do not show our Japanese client's trademarks,following our client's policies.